Marguerite Cassan-搜索结果

  • 春光破碎 La rupture

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:克洛德·夏布洛尔   编剧:夏洛特·阿姆斯特朗, 克洛德·夏布洛尔

    主演:Passalia, 多米尼克·扎尔迪, 安杰洛·伊凡蒂, 斯特凡·奥德朗, 让-皮埃尔·卡塞尔, 米歇尔·布凯, 安妮·科迪, 让-克洛德·德鲁奥, Mario Beccara, 塞尔日·本托, 让·卡尔梅, Marguerite

      Helene Regnier's husband Charles, who is mentally ill, injures their son Michel in a rage. Charles moves back in with his wealthy and manipulative parents, who blame Helene for their son's condition and vow to win custody of Michel. While the boy is in hospital, Helene rents a room in a boarding house nearby. The Regniers hire Paul Thomas, a family acquaintance who needs money,...

  • 七宗罪 Les sept péchés capitaux


    导演:伊夫·阿莱格雷, 克洛德·奥当-拉哈, 爱德华多·德·菲利波, 让·戴维尔, 乔治·拉孔布, 卡洛·里姆, 罗伯托·罗西里尼   编剧:罗伯托·罗西里尼, 夏尔·斯巴克, 图里·瓦西里, 勒·惠勒, 让·奥朗什, 克洛德·奥当-拉哈, Jules-Amédée Barbey d'Aurevilly, 艾维而·巴赞, 皮埃尔·博斯特, 科莱特, 迭戈·法布里, Liana Ferri, 莱奥·若阿农, 安东尼奥·彼得兰杰利, 卡洛·里姆

    主演:菲奈斯, 菲利普·里夏尔, 玛德莱娜·巴尔比莱, Andrée Debar, 米歇尔·摩根, 弗朗索瓦丝·罗赛, 让·德比古, 玛塞勒·普兰斯, 路易斯·塞格纳, Robert Auboyneau, Marguerite

      A French/Italian co-production with two episodes from Italy and five from France covering the seven deadly sins---actually eight as two of the sins are covered in one episode while a new "eighth unknown sin" has an episode of its own. Gerald Philipe is a wry, flip carnival barker who introduces each episode and then narrates the last episode dealing with the "eighth unknown sin...